Jules Wilson &

Paul Basile

Explore the creative worlds of Jules Wilson, founder of Jules Wilson Interior Design Studio, and Paul Basile, owner of Basile Studio. While their paths have been distinct, their shared passion for design excellence is defining new and unique experiences throughout the San Diego Tijuana region and globally.

Jules, inspired by her childhood love of problem-solving with Lego®, approaches design with a thoughtful and holistic perspective. Her process combines hand-drawn sketches, digital modeling, and material experimentation to create spaces that evoke emotion and enhance the human experience.

Paul, a master fabricator and designer, with a passion for natural materials and bold design, brings an industrial edge to his work. Known for his creative use of metal and his focus on integrating architecture and nature, Paul’s projects celebrate raw materials and unconventional techniques.

Though they run separate studios, Jules and Paul share a history of collaboration dating back 25 years. Their unique styles—her contemporary softness and his bold, masculine approach—offer a fascinating glimpse into the diverse and innovative design culture of our megaregion.

This series celebrates the designers, architects, and creative visionaries whose decisions have made the San Diego Tijuana region a thriving, transborder creative powerhouse.

These stories are not just about design—they’re a tribute to how years of collaboration have fostered a unique creative culture that continues to shape the future of our megaregion.

From career paths to lifestyle, inventions to culture, everything in the San Diego Tijuana region is shaped with purpose and care.

Basile Studio
Jules Wilson Design Studio

World Design Spotlight