Here & There / Aquí y Allá – Design Residency

Where and When

Sat, 11 May 2024 • 5:00 pm


Bread & Salt, 1955 Julian Avenue, San Diego CA 92113



Here & There / Aquí y Allá is a designer-led initiative that hosts events and an annual residency program to forge lasting relationships within the creative communities of San Diego and Tijuana. Through a residency in San Diego, Gael Guerrero, Tijuana-based founder and creative director of architecture and design studio Fragmento, will share his practice through CAPAS – LAYERS, an exhibition opening on May 11, 2024 at Bread & Salt. The residency will be followed by a Tijuana residency in September hosting a designer from San Diego, creating an ongoing dialogue across borders — both geographical and between disciplines.

For More Information: Instagram / Website